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Borneo Black(Phormingochilus Arboricola)

by iNTA 2024. 1. 5.

An immature Borneo Black Tarantula

Common Name Borneo Black
Scientific Name Phormingochilus Arboricola
Species Arboricola
Genus Phormingochilus
Subfamily Ornithoctoninae
Type Arboreal, Old world
Origin Borneo
Max Size Around 6"(15cm)
Growth Rate 2-4 years
Habitat Rainforest
Temperament Aggressive

The Phormingochilus Arboricola(Borneo Black) Tarantula is an Old World arboretum species suitable for somewhat skilled keepers. The entire body is very dark black, but depending on the light or angle, it may look dark purple or blue or gray or brown. The ship is often defensive because it usually has sharp stripes and shows considerable aggression.

It belongs to the medium and large tarantula, but it is very agile, so it is recommended that you always be careful when breeding and avoid handling as much as possible.

Since the natural habitat is mainly rainforest, it is recommended to maintain high humidity and warm temperatures when creating a breeding environment, and a shelter made of coconut shells or cork bark is essential.

Males can fully mature in about three years, while females can only fully mature in four years. In the case of males, the overall color of their bodies becomes lighter when they mature completely.